By: Dee
This book about a girl named Olive who is currently on her spring break. She wants a phone, a working one at least. The one she has right now is a big fliphone that she calls “The Brick”. Olive’s parents are divorced, and she barely sees her dad, who lives far away in the city. Olive is mad at her dad for leaving Olive’s mom with two kids. He had said he was leaving for a work trip, but he never came back. On the other hand, Olive’s little brother, Simon is not mad at their dad at all. Even though Olive’s dad doesn’t spend time with his kids he loves them very much and invites them to spend spring break with him at his apartment. During their stay, Olive’s dad surprises her with a phone!!! [And don’t worry. It wasn’t another brick.] She really likes it! She calls some of her friends but catches them in the middle of doing fun things. She feels so left out. From then on, she asks her dad only if she can hang out with her friends. She feels like when she is with Simon and her dad, it’s only about them. So, she tries to ignore them. She spends all her time on her phone playing games or calling and texting friends. Will Olive’s dad get her back? I really liked this book. It teaches you to get off your iPad and stop to smell the roses!